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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day Twenty-two

                                                           The Book of

The Book of Psalms is the largest and perhaps most widely used book in the Bible. It explores the full range of human experience in a very personal and practical way. Its 150 "songs" ran from the Creation through the patriarchal, theocratic, monarchical, exilic, and postexilic periods. The tremendous breadth of subject matter in the Psalms includes diverse topics, such as jubilation, war, peace, worship, judgement, messianic prophecy, praise, and lament.
     The Book of Psalms was gradually collected and originally unnamed, perhaps due to the great variety of material. It came to be known as Sepher Tehillim--"Book of Praises"--because almost every psam contains some note of praise to God. The Septugint uses the Greek word Psalmoi as its title for this book, meaning "Poems Sung to the Accompaniment of Musical Instruments." It also calls it the Psalterium ("A Collection of Songs"), and this word is the basis for the term Psalter. The Latin title is Liber Psamorum, "Book of Psalms."  King James Version, Holy Bible.

                                                           Day 22

                                                         Like a tree...
                                      That brings forth its fruit in its season.
                                                                              Psalms 1:3

Timing is everything. If you want to enjoy your garden year-round, plant the right types of flowers, trees, and brushes, and you can enjoy color in your yard from January to December and every month in between. Planting the right combination of vegetables at the right time can ensure garden-fresh eating for months!

The Bible verse for today reminds us that every living thing brings forth its unique fruit in its season-at the proper time. I wonder if the same holds true for the harvest of "fruit" in our own lives. Here's what I mean: When I was young, I wished I was older so that I could sing in our church choir.

About the time I was old enough to join the choir, I wished I could be a teacher in a Christian school. When I was old enough to become a Christian teacher, I dreamed about serving as a missionary. And on it went. As I continually looked to the future, I failed to act on current opportunities for service--the "here-and-now harvest."

Don't misunderstand-I think dreams and aspirations are fine. I also know that preparation and maturity are sometimes a prerequisite for certain types of service. But merely waiting for the right time might mean an opportunity lost forever. It's great to work toward a goal, but the Holy Spirit also wants us to be open to fruit-bearing opportunities all along the way.

Prayer suggestion. Are you waiting for a more opportune "harvest time" in your own life? Could God be opening a door for service for you today? Ask Him to help you see fruitful possibilities in your life right now.
</145494>  King James Version, Holy Bible

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