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Thursday, April 28, 2011

DAY Twenty-Seven

                                            The First Book of the
                                            King James Version
                                              HOLY BIBLE 

The books of First and Second Chronicles cover the same period of Jewish history described in Second Samuel through Second Kings, but the perspect of the Times." Chronicles wasive is different. These books are no mere repetition of the same material, but rather form a devine editorial on the history of God's people. While Second Samuel and First and Second Kings give a political history of Isreal and Judah. First and Second Chronicles present a religious history of the Davidic dynasty of Judah. The former are written from a prophetic and moral view-point, and the latter from a priestly and spritual perspective. The Book of First Chronicles begins with the royal line of David and then traces the spiritual significance of David's righteous reign.

     The books of First and Second Chronicles were originally one continuous work in the Hebrew. The title Dibere Hayyamim, meaning "The Words Events [accounts, events] of the Days. "The equivalent meaning today would be "The Events of the Times." Chronicles was divided into two parts in the third-century a.c. Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (the Septuagint). At that time it was given the name Paraleipomenon, "Of Things Omitted," referring to the things omitted from Samuel and Kings. Some copies add the phrase, Basileon louda, "Concerning the Kings of Judah." The first book of Chronicles was called Paraleipomenon Primus, "The First Book of Things Omitted." The name "Chronicles" comes from Jerome in his Latin Vulgate Bible (A.D. 385-405): Chronicorum Liber. He meant his title in the sense of the "Chronicles of the Whole of Sacred History."

                                                            Day 27

                                                    Meditation of the day

We know God by spiritual vision. We feel that He is beside us. We feel His presence. Contact with God is not made by the senses. Spirit- consciousness replaces sight. Since we cannot see God, we have to perceive Him by spiritual vision. Many persons, through they cannot see God, have had a  clear spiritual consciousness of Him. We are inside a box of space and time, but we know there must be something outside of the box, limitless space, eternity of time, and God.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may have a consciousness of God's presence. I pray that God will give me spiritual vision.


I Quilt and Sew for you contact Linda G. at a1itsinthebag@gmail.com 

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