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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day Twenty-Five

                             The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the
                                King James Version Holy Bible

PAUL has many pleasant memories of the days he spent with the infant Thessalonian church. Their faith, hope, love, and perseverance in the face of persecution are exemplary. Paul's labors as a spritual parent to the fledging church have been richly rewarded, and his affection is visible in every line of his letter.
     Paul encourages them to excel in their newfound faith, to increase in their love for one another, and to rejoice, pray, and give thanks always. He closes his letter with instruction regarding the return of the Lord, whose advent signifies hope and comfort for believers both living and dead.
     Because this is the first of Paul's two canonical letters to the church at Thessalonica, it received the title Pros Thessalonikeis A, the "First to the Thessalonians."

                                           Day 25

           May the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may
                your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless
                          at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
                                                          1 Thessalonians 5 : 23

Plink! Plink! Plink! It's the sound a gardener loves to hear. Plink! It's like music to my ears and brings a smile to my lips every time I hear it. All the hard work and months of gardening--planting, weeding, harvesting-- are rewarded with that one sound. Plink!

"Plink!" is the sound a canning lid makes when the stock has been pressure cooked or canned for preservation. The "plink" tells me that the jar is sealed, and the food inside the jar will last for months or even years without spoiling.

Read today's Bible verse again. Can you hear a "plink"? It's the reassuring sound of God's promise--His promise to preserve us until Christ returns. Note the word BLAMELESS--not one tiny imperfection or blemish can be found on believers preserved in Jesus. That's because He took all our sins to His cross and buried them in His grave forever. Christ's resurrection preserves us even through physical death and keeps us safe until our own resurrection to eternal life with our Savior.

Completely forgiven by God's grace, preserved by His love and power, we eagerly look forward to our eternal life with Jesus in heaven. Plink!

Prayer suggestion. Kneel or sit before your Lord and King, Jesus. Praise Him for preserving the believers who have shared His message of grace with you in the past. Ask the Holy Spirit to inspire you to share this same  saving message with others and preserve you until you greet your Master Gardener face-to-face.

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