By grace you have been saved...
We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good
works, which God prepared beforehand.
Ephesians 2: 8-10
Just imagine! Twenty-first century computer technolgy partnering with gardening, an activity as old as Eden! It's true. You can use your computer and relatively inexpensive software package to plan your entire landscape. With a click of a button, shorter varities of flowers are positioned virtually- in front of taller plants or climbers; shrubs requiring full sun or partial shade are virtually planted in exactly the right location in your yard- long before the frost is out of the ground. In minutes, you can see your virtual garden- in bloom!
Experienced gardeners know a computer isn't a necessity. It may take a bit longer to plan your landscape without one, but careful planning is important nontheless. Good planning can turn an ordinary garden into a work of art.
A work of art-that's one way to translate the word for workmanship found in today's Scripture. In classical Greek, the word was sometimes used to mean poem. Read the text again and substitute the words work of art for workmanship.
Just as a gardener carefully chooses individual plants for a garden, God has handpicked you to be His own, dear child. He created you as His very own work of art. Awesome, isn't it? Awesome grace. When we begin to understand grace-the undeserved love of God in Christ- we bloom!
And there's more! Having created each one of us with His loving hand. God "plants" us together with other believers. Why? So that through God's grace and in His strength, our good works, together with those of other believers, bloom in the landscape of God's glory.
Prayer suggestion. Thank the Lord for the fellowship of believers He's planted in your life, and ask Jesus how you can "bloom" in His grace today. </144719> </TruthinThinking>
We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good
works, which God prepared beforehand.
Ephesians 2: 8-10
Just imagine! Twenty-first century computer technolgy partnering with gardening, an activity as old as Eden! It's true. You can use your computer and relatively inexpensive software package to plan your entire landscape. With a click of a button, shorter varities of flowers are positioned virtually- in front of taller plants or climbers; shrubs requiring full sun or partial shade are virtually planted in exactly the right location in your yard- long before the frost is out of the ground. In minutes, you can see your virtual garden- in bloom!
Experienced gardeners know a computer isn't a necessity. It may take a bit longer to plan your landscape without one, but careful planning is important nontheless. Good planning can turn an ordinary garden into a work of art.
A work of art-that's one way to translate the word for workmanship found in today's Scripture. In classical Greek, the word was sometimes used to mean poem. Read the text again and substitute the words work of art for workmanship.
Just as a gardener carefully chooses individual plants for a garden, God has handpicked you to be His own, dear child. He created you as His very own work of art. Awesome, isn't it? Awesome grace. When we begin to understand grace-the undeserved love of God in Christ- we bloom!
And there's more! Having created each one of us with His loving hand. God "plants" us together with other believers. Why? So that through God's grace and in His strength, our good works, together with those of other believers, bloom in the landscape of God's glory.
Prayer suggestion. Thank the Lord for the fellowship of believers He's planted in your life, and ask Jesus how you can "bloom" in His grace today. </144719> </TruthinThinking>
some days I need extra reading.