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Monday, March 21, 2011

Day Nine

Lets go to the Bible-King James Version to see what's going on with John in The Second Epistle of John.

                                                         The Second Epistle of John

Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall" (1 Cor. 10: 12). These words of the apostle Paul could well stand as a subtitle for John's little epistle. The recipients, a chosen lady and her children, were obvisiously standing. They were walking in truth, remaining faithful to the commandments they had received from the Father. John is deeply pleased to be able to commend them. But he takes nothing for granted. Realizing that standing is just one step removed from falling, he hesitates not at all to issue a reminder: "love one another" (v.5). The apostle admits that this is not new revelationn, but he views it sufficiently important to repeat. Loving one another, he stresses, is equivalent to walking according to God's commandments.
     John indicates, however, that this love must be discerning. It is not a naive, unthinking, open to anything and anyone kind of love. Biblical love is a matter of choice; it is dangerous and foolish to float through life with undiscerning love. False teachers abound who do not acknowledge Christ as having come in the flesh. It is false charity to open the door to false teaching. We must have fellowship with God. We must have fellowship with Christians. But we must not have fellowship with false teachers.
     The "elder" of verse 1 has been traditionally identified with the apostle John, resulting in the Greek title Ioannou B, the "Second of John."

                                                                     Day 9

                          (Jesus said,) "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot
                                         bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine,
                                             neither can you, unless you abide in Me."
                                                                             John 15:4

With plants, positioning is critical. If a shrub requires partial shade, you dare not plant it in the full sunshine. If a certain flower variety needs full sun, that's where you must plant it -- not in a spot that's shady during most of the afyernoon.

I learned this important gardening rule the hard way. When I first began to garden, I ignored the planting instructions that came with the flower or shrubs from my local nursery. I put new houseplants wherver I felt they made my living room look best, rather than near the window where they could get the correct amount of sunlight. You can probably guess what happened--the plants suffered and sometimes even died.

An experienced gardener appreciates and respects the power of the sun. An experienced Christian appreciates the power of the Son, too. (Pardon the pun!) In our Scripture reading for today, Jesus reminds us to abide in Him, to remain close to Him in His Word, so that He can best nurture our souls. When we abide in Him, we set roots down deep and draw up the water and nutrients that nourish our spiritual lives.

Can you remember times in your faith walk when you didn't want to follow God's directions for "Son light"? I can. I distinctly remember times when what other people thought of me or my position on the  social ladder mattered more than staying in the "Son shine." Praise Jesus that His mercy and grace never stop shining. The Bible says that His kindness leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4). When we see our misplaced priorities, our rebellion, and our willfulness, and confess these sins, that same grace welcomes us back into the "Son shine" again.

Prayer suggestion. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal more to you about the security that comes from His unconditional love. Then think of a way to share His grace with someone who needs special encouragement today. 

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