The Lord God planted a garden in Eden...
The Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant
to the sight and good for food.
Genesis 2 : 8-9
People plant gardens for a variety of reasons. Some plant because they depend on the produce a garden provides. Other people garden because they enjoy the beauty of flowers and shrubs in bloom. Exercise, Relaxation. Reasons for gardening might fill a wheelbarrow. But always, there's a reason why the garden is planted. And the reason often gives us insight into the gardener's character.
Why did God plant the first garden? Read today's Bible text again. In fact, you might want step further into Eden's garden as you read the entire story in Genesis 2 : 25.
God the very first gardener, plants His garden with love. See how He kneels to create flowers that will delight His people with wonderful colors and intricate designs. Watch as He sows seeds that provide plants for His people's nourishment.
Now fast-forward to a different garden. This garden is dark with sorrow, yet filled with love and purpose. It is the Garden of Gethsemane. In this garden, God in love continues to provide for His people through His Son, Jesus. It is in this garden that Jesus willingly submits to His Father's will and sets His eyes purposefully on the cross.
God plants both gardens with love. Peek into the paradise that is Eden and see a beautiful first home. Look into the garden named Gethsemane, and you'll see God's love personified in Jesus, His Son.
Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to more clearly see your Gardener-Father's heart-- a heart that is full of love for you! </TruthinThinking>
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