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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day Twelve

                              The Book of Proverbs...King James Version of the Bible.

The key word in Proverbs is wisdom, "the ability to live life skillfully." A godly life in an ungodly world, however, is no simple assignment. Proverbs provides God's detail instructions for His people to deal successfully with the practical affairs of everyday life: how to relate to God, parents, children, neighbors, and government. Solomon, the principal author, uses a combination of poetry, parables, pithy questions, short stories, and wise maxims to give in strikingly memorable form the common sense and devine perspective necessary to handle life's issues.
     Because Solomon, the prinnacle of Isreal's wise men, was the principal contributor, the Hebrew title of this book is Mishle Shelomoh, "Proverbs of Solomon" (1:1). The Greek title is Puroimial Salomontos. "Proverbs of Solomon." The Latin title Liber Proverbiorum, "Book of Proverbs," combines the word pro "for" and verba "words" to describe the way the proverbs concentratr many words into a few. The rabbinical writings called Proverbs Sepher Hokhmch, "Book of Wisdom." KJV. Bible.

                                                                Day Twelve

                                           Do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
                                                       Nor detest His correction;
                                               For whom the Lord loves He corrects,
                                           Just as a father the son in whom he delights.
                                                                              Proverbs 3: 11-12

From all outward appearances the evergreen bushes looked fine. Healthy- looking green needles formed a dense, seamless hedge in front of our home. But looks can be deceiving. Under all that lush exterior, the inside of our hedge was a tangled, dying mass of overcrowded limbs and deadwood from broken branches.

Most landscape gardeners know that evergreen hedges and other shrubs need adequate light and air throughout all of the branches in order to grow and thrive. Without the necessary air and light, plants will literally die from the inside out. Careful pruning-thinning the interior branches- help to ensure the plant's health and vitality.

I have to admit that there are times when I resemble those dead-on-the-inside hedges. From all outward appearances, my life looks fine. But inside--down deeply in my soul- I feel suffocated, even dead. All my busy external service blocks the cool, refreshing breeze of the Spirit and the life-giving light of Christ. And that's when God, the good gardener, steps in with His pruning tools.
 allows sickness, financial calamity, relationship challenges, and other hardships to carefully cut away our deadwood. It's important to remember that God allows these things because He loves us. He intends that hardships drive us to His Word, where He can comfort, refresh, and strengthen us, helping us to see more clearly His priorities for our lives.

Read today's Scripture verses once more. Read them again, out loud. Do you see it? hear it? really believe it/ God loves you. He delights in you. Most of all, He knows you-like a father knows his son-He knows what's best for you. And sometimes what's best is pruning.

Prayer suggestion. How has God "pruned" you in the past> How did that experience hack away at spiritual deadwood? How did the Holy Spirit refresh your soul in and after that experience? Do you know someone who faces difficult challenges today? Pray that the Holy Spirit's cool breeze will refresh and encourage that person to grow stronger in faith and closer to Jesus, our Savior. </145494> </listening4u> http://lindagjehoich.blogspot.com,http//a1itsinthebag.blogspot.com,http://www.orble.com/winning, http://listening4u.blogspot.com/   

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