Let your roots grow down into him and draw up
nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith.
Colossians 2
Root-bound? i wondered as I inspected one of my favorite houseplants.
The leaves looked green and healthy. However, the stems seemed crowded
within the confines of the pot, and I honestly couldn't see any signs of new
growth. Root-bound? I wondered again. Sighing, I tamped the planter pot
on its side to loosen the soil. Sometimes the only way to discern the truth is
to get to the bottom of it all-- the roots.
The plant finally tipped out, roots and all, and my suspicions were
confirmed. Root-bound. Trapped inside the too-small pot, my plant's
roots were a tangled and highly compacted mess.
It's amazing to me that a plant can look healthy on the outside and all
the while be so miserablly root-bound. The solution of course, is to
transplant the plant into a much larger pot. Then, watch for amazing
new growth!
How about you? Are you root-bound?--stuck in your too-small planter/
Reread today's Bible text as you keep your own "faith roots" in mind.
It's sometimes difficult to go on growing in the Lord, isn't it?
Sometimes our daily routines and staid traditions confine our growth,
like a too-small flowerpot:
-The alarm is always set for 6 A.M. To set it earlier in order to have quiet
time with Jesus would disrupt the routine, wouldn't it?
-It's a struggle to get everyone up and ready on Sunday morning, but
to attend the Saturday night worship service might upset our family's
tradition, might it not?
-A women's home Bible study meets two evenings each month.
Can I spare the time?
-The prayer support group at church is looking for new members, but...
Feeling a little root-bound? Like a good gardener, Jesus wants to help you.
After all, He loves you, forgives you, and wants you to grow,
grow, grow--into a deeper relationship with Him.
Prayer suggestion. Ask the Holy Spirit to transplant you as He widens
your vision to include new ways of growing in the Lord.
nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith.
Colossians 2
Root-bound? i wondered as I inspected one of my favorite houseplants.
The leaves looked green and healthy. However, the stems seemed crowded
within the confines of the pot, and I honestly couldn't see any signs of new
growth. Root-bound? I wondered again. Sighing, I tamped the planter pot
on its side to loosen the soil. Sometimes the only way to discern the truth is
to get to the bottom of it all-- the roots.
The plant finally tipped out, roots and all, and my suspicions were
confirmed. Root-bound. Trapped inside the too-small pot, my plant's
roots were a tangled and highly compacted mess.
It's amazing to me that a plant can look healthy on the outside and all
the while be so miserablly root-bound. The solution of course, is to
transplant the plant into a much larger pot. Then, watch for amazing
new growth!
How about you? Are you root-bound?--stuck in your too-small planter/
Reread today's Bible text as you keep your own "faith roots" in mind.
It's sometimes difficult to go on growing in the Lord, isn't it?
Sometimes our daily routines and staid traditions confine our growth,
like a too-small flowerpot:
-The alarm is always set for 6 A.M. To set it earlier in order to have quiet
time with Jesus would disrupt the routine, wouldn't it?
-It's a struggle to get everyone up and ready on Sunday morning, but
to attend the Saturday night worship service might upset our family's
tradition, might it not?
-A women's home Bible study meets two evenings each month.
Can I spare the time?
-The prayer support group at church is looking for new members, but...
Feeling a little root-bound? Like a good gardener, Jesus wants to help you.
After all, He loves you, forgives you, and wants you to grow,
grow, grow--into a deeper relationship with Him.
Prayer suggestion. Ask the Holy Spirit to transplant you as He widens
your vision to include new ways of growing in the Lord.
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